
Friday, 22 September 2017

This was the 7th digital Iefensive course.
I learnt how to work with HTML Sites and use this in my classroom.
We shared each others sites to gain more experience in making sites.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Fantastic Session on digital Fluency

My New Achievement .

Today, I was really excited to learn how to use New Sites which was very user friendly.
I made a new class site by the name Henry's Site.and  embedded several pictures related to my planning for  my Junior science classes.
Further, I learnt how to use another new thing called "PEDLET" to use in classes for the purpose of monitoring their progress.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Digital Fluency intensive-week 4

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?Digital F

I learnt a lot about  Manainakalani kaupapa and pedagogy. All knowledge and experience I have gathered will be definitely helpful to teach my akonga to improve their achievement in all subjects they learn. It is very valuable for my personal improvement as well as to my akonga for  their future living once they leave school.
All what I have learnt boosted my confidence to be a confident professional in teaching.

Friday, 11 August 2017


We had the 3rd day of Manaikalani digital fluency intensive course today.
The following thing were learnt successfully during this time.
1. We learnt a lot of new techniques in using my digital tool. Now, I can  confidently teach my akonga  how to use this tool during their learning for all aspects of  learning. eg: graphing , discussions, recording etc.
Now students can be confident and should not learn these because of their teacher. They should be confident to do all aspects of digital learning with enthusiasm and enjoy learning.

2. We as teachers are confident to teach our akonga and scaffold them to achieve their best in classroom.

This course has been a very helpful to all teachers and my akonga in the classroom.

Lastly, I should than our lecturers Dorothy, Gerhared and Matt who did a very good service  in teaching us the best techniques.

The video below is about practicing Hang Outs" with  our colleagues.
We were discussing about presentation of ideas and techniques related to painting. 

Friday, 4 August 2017

Learning digital skills at Manaiakalani workshop

Hello Friends,
This is what I have learnt to day on Digital
Intensive Course.


Friday, 28 July 2017

Digital Fluency intensive course-Day 1, Importance of DFI

Course is very useful to make our students get engaged and improve their learning in classroom.
I was taught Blogging,, making Links and copying from documents outside google docs. his I did during my professional learning on the 28/07/2017.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Benefits of being a member of Digital Fluency Intensive Course

                                  This is my last day of the DIGITAL FLUENCY INTENSIVE course.

                                   Today, I sat for the Google Level 1 examination.

                                   I found it very disappointing. I need to practice more and more.

                                   By following this course I am achieved the following:              





                                    The following important features will make me to improve the achievement
                                     level of my Akonga.    
                                     I am very grateful to Tamaki College for giving me this opportunity which
                                     educated me and helped me to improve the achievement level of my Akonga.